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Banana Moon Bromley has achieved Millie’s Mark!

Banana Moon Bromley has achieved Millie’s Mark!
Banana Moon Bromley has achieved Millie’s Mark! 
We have successfully been awarded ‘Millie’s Mark’, a Quality Mark for nurseries where employees working directly with children are all fully trained in paediatric first aid. This has been awarded by National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) in association with Department for Education and Millie’s Trust. 
Over the past six months we have been working hard to achieve this award, which acts as an indicator that we go above and beyond the minimum statutory requirements to keep children safe and minimise risks and accidents. We are delighted that our efforts have been rewarded and that we have achieved this very special award. We are also proud that we can offer our parents an extra level of reassurance, when their children are in our care. 
Our parents have been very supportive during this time and provided helpful feedback on the new developments in the nursery that have been introduced as part of Millie’s Mark. 
Achieving Millie’s Mark is very special, and we have our certificate on display in the nursery. Although we are now an official Millie’s Mark awarded nursery, our hard work of continuously developing our quality care and education will not stop. It is crucial that we maintain the criteria over its three years lifespan before re-assessment. 
All of our paediatric training was provided by https://tigerlilytraining.co.uk/ and meets the full requirements of OFSTED / EYFS 2021 for those caring for or working with babies through to young adults. We have also arranged first aid training for our parents, so they can have the confidence to act quickly in a first aid situation. 
As an accredited nursery, our details are also available on the Millie’s Mark website – find out more here https://www.milliesmark.com/awarded-setting/banana-moon-bromley   You can also find out more about Millie’s Trust https://www.milliestrust.com/ and NDNA https://ndna.org.uk/news/millies-mark-celebrates-5-years-this-month/ 

The NHS website also has some very useful first aid information https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/first-aid/ 
If you have want to find out more, please contact the nursery at info@bananamoonbromley.co.uk 

@BananaMoon - 1 year ago


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We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm


Banana Moon Day Nursery, 48-50 London Lane

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