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Potty training at Banana Moon Bromley

Potty training at Banana Moon Bromley

Potty training at Banana Moon Bromley 

What support is there for parents who are potty training their children? 
A recent article in the Telegraph stated there was a “rise in children going to school in nappies” and that more working parents meant “they cannot toilet train their children”. In addition to this, the article shared the opinion that “a child that has not been trained in this most rudimentary of skills by the age of five, has little chance of being trained in all of the essential skills and virtues essential for a successful life” - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/10/30/tory-mp-blames-working-women-for-rise-in-nappies-at-school/ 
At Banana Moon Bromley we support our parents with this journey, and we have run virtual workshops for any of our parents who were thinking about potty training, or anyone who has experienced a regression or difficulties, run by Jo-Anne Dietrich. Jo-Anne is a trained Maternity Nurse and NNEB Nursery Nurse, with over 20 years’ experience. If you are looking for further support, or advice you can learn more here https://happynightsbaby.co.uk/consultations/ 
How to work with your nursery to potty train. 
Speak with your child’s key person if you are thinking of potty training. We always recommend that parents commit a minimum of 3 consecutive days before coming to nursery to allow parents to start the process at home and we can continue at nursery.  If after 3 days, there are still a lot of accidents, it’s OK to pause the potty training and come back to it later. 
Things to consider: 
What is the best age to start potty training, and how can I tell? 
Every child is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. However, most children are ready to start potty training between the ages of two and three. Signs of readiness include: 
  • Your child can stay dry for two hours at a time. 
  • Your child shows an interest in using the potty/toilet. 
  • Your child can follow simple instructions. 
How can I help my child potty train? 
There are a number of things you can do to help your child potty train, including: 
  • Talk to your child about using the potty. 
  • Praise your child when they use the potty successfully. 
  • Be patient and understanding. 
  • Be positive if your child has an accident. 
What equipment or toys do I need for potty training? 
You will need a potty and a step stool. You may also want to get some potty-training books and some toys or a “treasure basket” to keep your child engaged while sitting on the potty. A travel-potty can also be useful, to be prepared if you are on a journey. Lots of spare pants! 
It is also important that your child has healthy, balanced diet, and drinks water, to avoid constipation. 
Should I use “pull-ups”? 
Pull-ups can be helpful for car journeys when you are in the middle of potty training. But as they work in the same way as nappies, it can be harder for children to tell if they are wet, or they might think it’s the same as their nappies and not use the potty. 
Next steps 
Potty training can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By being patient and supportive, you can help your child potty train at their own pace. 
If you have any questions, please contact the nursery at info@bananamoon-bromley.co.uk 

@BananaMoon - 1 year ago

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Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm


Banana Moon Day Nursery, 48-50 London Lane

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